She pours half a liter of coke in the toilet, what happens then is really bizarre! You should try this yourself!


Coke is your household help

Coke is not just a refreshing beverage, you can also use it for many other purposes. Most people know that it also works wonders against rust, for example. But did you also know that the brown sugary drink can also help to cure jellyfish stings? Moreover, it can be used for many other annoying ailments. Coke can even be used to remove chewing gum from your hair. And did you know that in the nineteenth century Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist?

A pharmacist, John Pemberton, invented Coca-Cola in 1886. It was a derivative of the alcoholic beverage Vin Mariani. Pemberton developed his cola, which he called Pemberton’s French Wine Coca. When alcohol was banned in the state of Atlanta in 1886, where John Pemberton lived, he put sugar syrup in his drink instead of wine and called it Coca-Cola.

You had to dilute it with water, and the beverage was sold in jugs. Later on, the sugary syrup was mixed with carbonated water and this is how the soda, as we know it today, originated.

The number of brilliant uses of the soda does not stop. It can really be a household help, and save you a lot of money.

On the next page you can find a super-handy video that explains how you can use Coke to clean the toilet. Sounds strange, but watch the video on the next page if you’re curious!

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