10 Things people with Alzheimer’s want you to know


They can do more than you think

You may be surprised to learn that in the early stages, sufferers can still drive. In fact, getting lost isn’t the first sign of Alzheimer’s. Thompson says he can get around using a GPS and an app that reminds him where he parked.

Involve them in daily activities

As everyday tasks become more difficult, it is common for people with Alzheimer’s disease (or their families) to assume that they cannot participate in the activities they used to do. But depending on the patient’s stage, he or she can still do those things, but with some adjustments. It is important to try to include people with dementia as much as possible. This helps to maintain an emotional connection.

Live a meaningful life

Alzheimer’s disease can shake up everyday life in such a way that it becomes difficult to get back on track. But that doesn’t mean you should abandon a loved one and let them spend all their time at home alone. Thompson said that early retirement was a struggle. He often didn’t know what to do with his days. But becoming involved with the Alzheimer’s Association has given him the opportunity to go to museums, attend supportive meetings, give speeches, and attend conferences. “It gave me a new purpose, a new way to be involved and active and engaged,” he says. “I never thought my life would be enriched the way it has.”

Alzheimer’s can strike young

Thompson was 54 years old when he was diagnosed. He says many people are surprised at the early diagnosis, so he shares educational resources with them. “It changes the nature of the relationship and discourse. They didn’t know people in their early 50s got Alzheimer’s,” he says. “Early detection of diagnosis matters. If you think you’re having memory problems, seek medical care. It might be normal aging, and it might not be.”

Loud restaurants can be stressful

The agitation in a busy restaurant can make it even more difficult to follow a conversation, especially for someone with uncorrected hearing loss. “Very loud places, such as a noisy restaurant, can be difficult. The overstimulation of noise makes it less possible to understand the conversation around them,” says Dr. Mittelman. Instead, try eating in a quiet cafe so that someone with Alzheimer’s feels more involved.

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Source: The Healthy | Image: Pxhere