5x You can also get food poisoning from this food

5 food poisoning

Un-cooked chicken is not the only food that can make you sick

If you ever had food poisoning, we don’t have to tell you how annoying and utterly awful it is. Feeling sick and being unable to keep anything in is certainly no fun. That is why it is true that the best way to combat food poisoning is through preventionway better than any cure. Therefore, be careful with these foods because they can also make you sick.

You can also get food poisoning from these foods.

Sunny side up eggs

A fried egg looks so appetizing. It quickly looks less nice and is no fun when it contaminates you and knocks you out. Salmonella is one of the biggest culprits of food poisoning, and you can contract it with a somewhat unhealthy egg, such as a fried egg or a soft-boiled egg. Fortunately, that chance is very small. However, if you are preparing an egg for young children, pregnant women, the elderly or someone with a weakened immune system, make sure the egg is completely cooked.


We often smell something to determine if it is still good. So if your tuna still smells normal, isn’t it also edible? Unfortunately, that method is not entirely effective. When raw fish is stored incorrectly, bacteria grow and and you can contract food poisoning. How can you prevent this? Put your tuna in the fridge as soon as possible after purchasing it and cook it well.

What are some other foods that can also cause food poisoning? Read about them on the next page.

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