These Movie Wardrobe Fails Nearly Ruined Everything

These blunders slipped through the cracks

Making a movie is an enormous enterprise. It requires a director, actors and dozens of crew members. While they spend millions of dollars on a single movie, we have proof that they still encounter a blunder every now and then. 

The errors can be editorial oversights, historical unaccuracies or shocking clothing fails. Some eagle eyed viewers have turned spotting the blunders into a game. Did you notice the following blunders while watching the movies?

Here are some of the biggest blunders that have made their way into movies. An example is the In the movie “Titanic”, a modern-day lifeboat can be seen in the background of a scene set in 1912. These blunders slipped through the cracks and ended up in the finished product. Movie studios have a lot to answer for, but luckily these mistakes can provide some comic relief and a bit of entertainment.