Dog Looks Down Drain Every Day Until Bystanders See What She’s Looking At

No one could have seen this coming!

Dog owners already knew it: dogs have special senses. So does this dog who looks down the same drain every day. At first, there’s nothing strange about that, until people figure out what the dog is looking at – and especially what she’s waiting for….

When Dave is walking his dog, he comes across a German shepherd with no owner. The dog stands still at a drain and looks down the whole time. Dave pays it no further attention, but the next day she is there again. And again she looks down the drain. Then suddenly he began to hear noises in the drain.

Dave immediately called emergency services to open the drain. Soon a fire truck arrived on scene, which was just in time. Indeed, the sounds were getting louder and louder. Dave began to wonder and was very curious about what was in the drain. Until suddenly there were police in front of him, and they had an important announcement to make.

Curious what they have to say? You’ll read it on the next page!