Does your jacket smell like sweat? Here are 4 tips to remove that smell


Especially near the armpits, a jacket can really start to smell

One item of clothing that most people own is a jacket. These days, you can wear it with pretty much any outfit and during soft spring weather, it’ll also function as a perfectly fine coat. A definite must in everyone’s wardrobe! But if you wear your jacket often, there’s a good chance it will start to emit a nasty sweat odour, particularly near the armpits.

Luckily, we’ve got a couple of tips on how to get rid of that smell.


There are a few handy tips that might be able to help you get rid of the sweat odour from your jacket. Of course, the best way would be to take it to the dry cleaner’s every now and then, but this can potentially cost you a lot of money. If you’d rather spend that money on something else and you’d like to go for a cheaper option, we’ve got you covered. These easy tips might have your jacket smelling fresh again in no time at all. And you only need a few simple things!

Go to the next page to read about the tips!

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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