These 8 Fashion Mistakes Will Make You Look A Lot Older

4. Clothing with floral print

We’re not averse to clothing with a fun print, but you shouldn’t overdo it. By choosing one printed item and combining it with an otherwise quiet outfit, you make sure you don’t come across as someone who wants to be too hip. Be especially careful with floral printed clothes: if they are too wide, you will quickly look like your grandmother. So choose a garment that fits your body well.

3. Long skirts

Another garment that can quickly make you look old-fashioned is the long skirt. If you pair a long skirt with the wrong shoes or top, the whole thing quickly looks quite bitchy. Opt for a close-fitting top and a nice pair of heels, and you can get away with it.

Curious about the last two fashion mistakes you’d better avoid if you don’t want to look old? You’ll find them on the next page!