8 things that dermatologists do to keep their skin beautiful

5. Protect yourself against the sun

During vacations in sunny resorts, we put a good amount of sunscreen on our bodies. But when the first rays of sunshine in the spring appear, we forget about it completely. However, dermatologists tell us that, regardless of the time of year, the sun is always the sun. And even when it doesn’t feel that intense, it is important to put sunscreen on your face. UV radiation causes wrinkles!

6. Get enough vitamins

Dermatologists pay close attention to the amount of vitamins that they ingest. To keep your skin young and healthy, dermatologists recommend getting enough fish oil. In addition, different B vitamins can improve your skin as well.

7. Skip the hot shower

Do you take a hot shower every morning? Very comforting, but not that wise. The hot shower causes many oils to leave the skin. In addition, skin inflammation can occur faster and it can cause dry spots.

8. Use the right products

It is important to pamper your skin every morning and evening with a cleansing routine. By choosing a cleansing gel, day cream, night cream or serum that contains as few additives as possible, you are doing well. Skip products with a lot of perfume which will only harm your skin.

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Read also: 6 handy tricks to prevent shiny skin

Source: The Healthy | Image: Unsplash