Mayo Magic: Banishing Water Stains with a Dollop!

The Mayo Method Made Simple


First, find a microfiber cloth and your mayo. Dip the cloth in, getting just enough to tackle the stain. Gently dab the mayo onto the wood. You’ll need to keep wiping, letting the mayo seep into the stain. Watch as the spot begins to lighten, the mayo slowly lifting the water mark away. 

If the stain is stubborn, don’t worry. Just lay on a thicker mayo layer and give it a couple of hours. This gives the mayo time to do its deep-cleaning dance. Once the waiting’s over, wipe off the mayo to see what’s happened.

Last step: grab some natural wood cleaner and another clean cloth. Wipe down the area to pick up any leftover mayo and buff your wood back to shining glory. And just like that, the stain’s gone, your wood’s beautiful again, and you’ve discovered the magic of mayo—a simple solution hidden in your fridge!

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