She was selling a baby crib. You’ll never guess what the buyer discovered…

Old and unique

The buyer of the crib had sent Karin a message where she said she would like to paint the crib in a different color. She had already sanded off the old paint and came across something special. There was a signature engraved on the wood. The buyer had posted a picture of the crib on an antique forum and received many responses. It turned out that it was a very old and unique crib….

To the auction

The buyer decided the next day to take the cot immediately to an auction house. There it turned out that the people on the forum were right: the cot was more than two hundred years old. She couldn’t believe it: after all these years, it was still in good condition! The auction house could not give her an exact price, but she decided to submit the cot for auction nevertheless. It would change her life…

Wondering how the story ends? You’ll find the ending on the next page!