Suffering from joint pain? Try these thirteen natural remedies to combat this


Did you know that horsetail works very well to relieve joint pain? So take notes, because we are going to give you a recipe that can help you with your complaints. In addition to relieving joint pain, this natural remedy is also good for many other complaints. For example, it helps to prevent kidney or bladder stones, urinary tract infections, incontinence, and fluid retention. Wow! This is only by drinking two cups of horsetail tea a day. Here’s how you make it:


150 grams of fresh horsetail or 10-30 grams of dried horsetail

1 liter of water

This is how you make it:

Add the horsetail to the water and let it soak overnight. The next day you take the horsetail out and let it boil in plenty of fresh water for between 10 and 60 minutes. Do not throw away the saturated water because after this, you have to add the saturated water to the boiling water. Now strain and dilute it (1 in 4 to 1 in 20).

Do you think this is too much work? Then you can also buy dried horsetail from various supermarkets or health food stores. You only have to add 2 teaspoons to boiling water and you’re done. Or try the recipe on the next page. This also seems to work very well against joint pain and is a lot easier.