Do you have any of these symptoms? You may be facing a burnout

Due to the corona crisis, more and more people are at risk of burnout

It is clear that corona is causing a difficult time for everyone. We have to work from home en masse. And that is not at all as nice as you might think. Working from home causes too much work pressure for many companies. Add to that the stress and uncertainty about your finances, or your health and the health of your loved ones, and you might be facing a burnout. Be careful if you have any of these symptoms.


More than 20% of people are at risk of having to take time off work due to a burnout. This has emerged from a new Dutch study by the National Center for Prevention of Stress and Burn-Out (NCPSB). The research shows that more than half of the Dutch working population are on the verge of burnout. Although this was a small-scale study, according to the NCPSB, the test method has an important predictive value: “It not only registers the already observable symptoms of a burnout. The indicators that suggest an upcoming burnout are also measured and included in the research results.”

Corona burnout

The NCPSB also conducted this investigation a year ago. Then, 17 percent of workers had encountered a burnout. Still a high percentage, but a small number compared to this year’s 56 percent. This shows that the corona crisis has had a major impact. Last month, a survey by the CNV union showed that one in three workers are experiencing a higher workload than ever before.

Symptoms of a burnout

Many people who are on the verge of being overwrought do not realize this. It is therefore important to know what the symptoms of a burnout are, because these are quite a few. Not only are there mental symptoms, but physical problems are also common. Read the next page for signs that can indicate a burnout.

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