The terrifying reason why canned tangerines look so “clean”

Canned tangerines

Why are canned tangerines so “clean”?

If you’ve ever made dessert with canned tangerines, you know how sweet they are. This is because most mandarins are preserved in syrup, which makes them nice and sweet. But have you ever noticed how suspiciously “clean” these mandarins are? Fresh tangerine segments look totally different and are always covered with white threads and a fine skin. Research shows how this is possible, however, you may not want to eat canned tangerines after you know the truth…

New knowledge does not always make us happy.


If you have ever peeled a mandarin, you know how difficult it is to remove the white threads. Even if you attack the mandarin with your fingernails, it’s difficult to get rid of them all, and sometimes the mandarin turns into a pitiful pile of pulp. How is it possible that the canned mandarins are stripped of their white threads and skins?

Read about it on the next page.

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