5 things you should check if you live in an old house

check old house

If your house was built before 1978, you should check for these things!

Everything is constantly changing. And with new insights into health and hazards, certain things and objects are upgraded regularly to meet the current safety standards. Modern homes already are up to safety standards, but if your house is build before 1978, then you might want to check whether your home requires an upgrade. These are five things to look for when you live in a house built before 1978.


Back in the days, asbestos was used in all homes. According to Mike Powell, a structural engineer, certified home inspector, and the owner of Red Flag Home Inspection in Tampa, FL, your house could be filled with it too. He told Real Simple: “Asbestos is among the most effective insulators and fire retardants that we have at our disposal.” It was used in pipes, furnaces and certain roofing materials. But asbestos is actually really dangerous for you. Powell said: “The truth is that asbestos is perfectly safe to be around, but becomes extremely hazardous when friable—easily crumbled—and broken.” The fibers from asbestos can cause things like lung cancer, ovarian cancer or the larynx.

So, check if your house still has asbestos in it!


We are way better now at insulating our homes. But before 1978 they didn’t have the same advanced techniques, technologies and know-how that we do now. That means that there might be a lot more gaps and creaks that let wind and water in. And that can cause mold to occur in your home. So, look out for moisture on the walls and windows, stains caused by water, leaks, paint that comes off and moldy smells. If you suspect that there might be mold in your house, call a professional to get it checked – and fixed!

Go to the final page to see the last 3 things you need to check if your house is from before 1978!