He puts 4 tomato slices in a pot with soil and the result 10 days later is amazing! You should try this!


If you like fresh tomatoes this is the trick for you!

Do you like tomatoes? Then you’ll probably know nothing beats those fresh tomatoes from your own vegetable patch. Because no matter how fresh the ones you buy at the supermarket or the greengrocer’s really are, there’s nothing like growing your own food! Growing your own tomatoes is fun to do, and it’s not difficult at all.

No seeds needed
It’s super easy, and a little lazy, to buy your tomatoes at the supermarket or greengrocer’s. You don’t have to wait for ages to wait until your tomatoes are ripe and you don’t have to go out of your way to buy seeds. But that’s the thing! There’s no need to buy seeds to grow your own tomatoes. Every tomato has the potential of being turned into a new tomato plant; that’s just how Mother Nature works.

Go on to the next page to find out how you can do it yourself. It is super easy!

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