This Is What The Perfect Female Body Looked Like 100 Years Ago (And Every Decade After)

The 1920’s: More skin, shorter hair and casual dresses

The 1920’s saw a complete shift in beauty ideals. During The Roaring 20’s as they’re referred to, women set aside the tight corsets and opted for a look that was less accentuating and more casual. More boyish, some would say. During this time, women started cutting their hair short and exposing more skin, which went completely against the standards as they had been for centuries. The 20’s were all about excessive partying and freedom of self-expression. Hats were still common, but instead of the wide-brimmed, large hats women had worn in decades past, they now went for tighter-fitting crochet hats.

Continue on to the next page to see what the ideal woman in the 1930’s looked like!