This is everything you need to know about Greta Thunberg

  1. Greta teamed up with Leonardo DiCaprio 

In 2019, Leonardo DiCaprio had the chance to meet the one and only Greta Thunberg. The two bonded over their mutual love for the environment and DiCaprio was thoroughly impressed by the young activist, even going so far as to gush about her on Instagram. In his post, he called Greta a “leader of our time” and expressed hope that her message will finally wake up world leaders and make them realize it’s time to get off their butts and do something about climate change. DiCaprio also mentioned that he and Greta had made a pact to support each other in the fight for a better future for our planet. 

But let’s be real, can anything really go wrong when Leonardo DiCaprio is involved? I mean, the guy is basically a walking, talking miracle. With his good looks, talent, and passion for the environment, he’s like the ultimate dream of amazingness. I mean, have you seen him in Titanic? Swoon.

Seriously, with his star power and influence, there’s no doubt that DiCaprio can get even more people to listen to the important message of climate change. And who knows, maybe with the combined forces of him and Greta Thunberg, they can finally put an end to this whole climate change thing once and for all. I mean, if anyone can do it, it’s these two. Just imagine the world they could create – a place where polar bears and penguins can coexist in harmony, where every car runs on rainbows and sunshine, and where avocado toast is free for all. Okay, maybe that last one is a stretch, but you get the idea. Here’s hoping for a brighter, greener future with these two leading the charge. #TeamLeoAndGreta