Feeling good: 4 tips to start the new year in a positive way

feeling good

These small changes could make a big difference

With the new year coming up, people start to think about resolutions and the things they want to change in 2023. If you don’t know where to start, we give you some tips. These four small changes in your life help start the new year with a positive attitude, making 2023 a very happy new year!

1. Slow down

If you feel burned up from last year, the best thing to do would be to take it easy. Start your 2023 with a break or cancel some appointments that you have been dreading. If you have been hustling and bustling all day, every day, chances are that you feel overwhelmed and unhappy. If you keep going, you might actually end up with a burnout. And that is not how you want to start off your year. So take a breath, lay down, close your eyes and just ‘be’ for a moment. Figure out how you can take a step back and rearrange your life in a way that does not require you to deplete all your resources. Just make sure you take the time to reload so you can start every day feeling fresh and energized.

2. Move your body

If you are feeling stressed, physical activity can help you relieve some of the pressure. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins; the happiness hormone. Endorphins cause you to feel happy and energized, which then causes you to feel better in general. So if you are feeling down, just move your body! If you hate going to the gym, you could also go out for a walk outside or put your favorite music on and have a dance party by yourself. All that matters is that you move your body and release some happy hormones.

3. Vitamins

Sometimes you feel down because your body has not been provided with all the nutrients it needs. If you are lacking certain vitamins, your body will not be as healthy as it can be. This can influence your energy levels. The solution is simple: use vitamin supplements to replenish your vitamin levels and give your body an energy boost. This will cause you to function better and see things in a more positive light.

4. Food

When you are feeling down and stressed, it is easy to turn to food for a solution; who doesn’t feel better after eating some delicious snacks? But it turns out that giving in to your emotional food cravings might not be the best idea. So make a conscious effort to think about what your body really needs. Are you feeling hungry or are you just trying to feel better by eating a whole bag of chips or a bar of chocolate? Be aware of the unconscious connection your mind has with food and develop an awareness of what you are craving and what might make your body feel better. Because food might not be what you need in that moment.

These small changes can provide a good start to the new year and help you feel good through all of 2023!

Also read: These 4 practical tips will make your 2022 as happy as can be!

Source: Elegance, Healthline | Image: Unsplash, Aziz Acharki