These 10 daily habits are bad for your kidneys

habits kidneys

You probably didn’t expect this

Kidney disease may not be something you hear every day, but research shows that this disease causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer. Therefore, taking good care of our kidneys at all times is not a bad idea. But how do you go about that? By removing a number of habits from your daily routine. Hello, healthy kidneys!

It is not too late to get rid of these habits.

1. Salt

Eating too much salt disrupts the balance in your blood, making it more difficult for your kidneys to remove the water from your blood. This can ultimately cause kidney problems, which you definitely want to avoid. Try to remove as much salt as possible from your diet by choosing other salt-free seasonings. It may take a while, but your kidneys will thank you.

2. Run to the toilet

Do you often hold your pee? Stop that! The longer urine stays in your body, the more bacteria grow in your bladder. If these bacteria travel to your kidneys, you are in a lot of trouble. So if you have to go and there is a toilet nearby, go!

3. Pain killers

According to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine, the use of many painkillers can cause kidney failure. This is because painkillers reduce blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause heavy strain on them. Therefore, do not take painkillers too often, and always take them with food.

 4. Suffer through illness

Do you have a cold? There is a good chance that you will accept the cold and simply go to work. Suffering through an illness causes your body to produce an enormous amount of antibodies in a short period. Eventually, these antibodies will inflame your kidneys. Take it easy!

5. Smoking

We all know that smoking is not a good idea. But did you know that smokers have a greater chance of developing kidney disease? We didn’t know that. This is because excessive smoking produces creatinine. If your creatinine levels get too elevated, your kidneys could become damaged, even without you noticing the symptoms.

Curious about more habits that affect your kidneys? Read further on the next page.

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