What you see in these optical illusions says a lot about your personality

20. Columns or silhouettes? 

If your eyes focused on the lighter parts of the image first, you might have seen the three columns. If they jumped to the darker parts, you probably saw two figures. Whichever one you saw first, can say a lot about your attitude towards life. 

The Powerful Mind tells us that if the first thing you see is the columns, you’re more suited for security and calmness. You’re someone that likes planning things out before getting started. You prefer to have crystal clear goals and not getting into things not knowing what’s going to happen. What if the two silhouettes were the first thing that popped out to you? Then you’re probably someone that’s more inclined to doing things impulsively. You’re probably a bit of a misfit. Your curiosity keeps you from sitting still and you’re rather impatient.