You’ll Never Believe These 41 Bizarre Humans Spotted on Public Transit 

You’ll Think Twice About Using Public Transportation If You’d Meet These People

Riding public transportation can be an interesting experience. Beyond just getting you from point A to point B, you never know who – or what – you’ll see along the way. For many commuters, the metro is a lawless underground world filled with strange creatures and happenings. We’re not just talking about rats and buskers – some genuinely bizarre humans have been spotted on public transit that will make you think twice about buying that monthly pass.

Think we’re exaggerating? Not even close. The cast of characters who ride public transit worldwide is far more diverse and unexpected than you’d imagine. What you are about to read will disturb you. It may keep you up at night. And some may even make you laugh out loud. You’ll certainly never look at public transportation the same way again.

Brace yourself: the following 41 totally bizarre humans spotted on buses, trains, and subways will make you think twice about keeping your eyes on your phone during your next commute. From shocking fashion choices to perplexing behavior, these crazy transit tales will have you shaking your head in disbelief. The wildest ride is about to begin…

Blending in

Rush-hour commuters got a jaw-dropping surprise when a guy wrapped from head to toe in camouflage netting joined their metro journey. Decked out like he was auditioning for “Invisible Man: Army Edition,” this mystery man squeezed right next to a woman, who strangely didn’t seem to notice her new, nearly-invisible neighbor. Maybe the camo was doing its job a little too well? “Should someone poke her and say, ‘Hey, you’re sharing your personal bubble with an uh swamp monster..?”

Popular Everything

Whether he was off to a paintball match or a top-secret mission at Area 51, no one dared to ask. But let’s be real—when you’re on public transit these days, you never know who might plop down next to you. Next time you think you’re leaning on thin air, remember it might just be Camo Carl enjoying his own metro moment.

Romaine Couture

So you’re on the subway, right? And there’s this woman with a lettuce leaf on her head. Not joking. It’s like she’s wearing a green, curly hat, but it’s actually a leaf of lettuce. The only things missing are a few croutons. Maybe she took the whole ‘go green’ thing a little too far and decided to wear it on her head!


The craziest part is perhaps that people continue scrolling down their phones or listening to music. It’s like they don’t even notice. Maybe we’re missing out on a new fashion trend. Should we run to the store and stock up on lettuce? We could even start a new lettuce clothing line. We could make shirts, pants, and even accessories. Imagine going to a party and someone asks you, “Wow, where’d you get that hat?” And you get to say, “Oh, this? It’s fresh from the farmer’s market. It’s Romaine Couture, darling.” You’d no doubt be the talk of the town.