These are the most embarrassing bloopers in movie history

From The Lion King to Titanic: there are flaws in every movie

Movies take us into a fantasy world. Whether this is a romantic love story, science fiction or an exciting horror film. Once on the big screen, everything runs smoothly. However, during filming, of course, not everything works out in one take. The result? A lot of hilarious bloopers. Prepare your laughing muscles, because we list the funniest bloopers in film history. 

Producing a film is a colossal undertaking that necessitates the involvement of a director, numerous actors, and a large crew. Despite spending millions of dollars on a single film, mistakes occasionally happen, as evidenced by the fact that blunders are still present. These blunders may include oversights in the editing process, historical inaccuracies, or surprising wardrobe malfunctions.

Some vigilant viewers have even turned spotting these blunders into a game. Have you ever noticed any of the following mistakes while watching a movie?