Why you should put toilet paper in your fridge

So, why toilet paper in your fridge

There is nothing worse than opening your fridge and being hit by a nasty, sour smell. A smelly fridge can ruin your appetite and your mood. But it can be hard to keep your fridge fresh and odor-free. Have you ever tried to scrub your fridge and get rid of the smell, but it still lingered? Usually, the source of the smell is a forgotten piece of fruit, a leaky juice carton, or some old deli meat. Of course, smells can also come from too much humidity and dripping beverages. For all these problems, a simple roll of toilet paper is the answer!

Just place a roll of toilet paper in the back of your fridge. It may sound crazy, but the absorbent properties of toilet paper can help to eliminate odors! Toilet paper can soak up unwanted smells and excess moisture, preventing them from spreading and spoiling your food. You can even use toilet paper in the freezer to absorb moisture or help thaw food.

But that’s not all! Toilet paper can also help you keep your food fresh longer! How? Well, by wrapping your fruits and vegetables in toilet paper, you can prevent them from going bad too quickly. Toilet paper acts as a barrier that protects your produce from bacteria and fungi, while also letting them breathe. This way, you can enjoy your fruits and vegetables for longer and save money on groceries!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a roll of toilet paper and put it in your fridge today! You’ll be amazed by the difference it makes