This is why BMI is a bad predictor of health

bmi bad predictor health

The number on the scale does not say anything about the shape your body is in

When you visit a health care provider, you almost always have to have yourself weighed. A lot of doctors use the Body Mass Index as an indication of health. BMI is based on your weight and height. And a lot of doctors use the index to determine whether you’re healthy or not. But it turns out that BMI does not actually equal health.


Whenever your weight and height are measured, the two are then divided by each other. The number that comes out of that calculation puts you into one of four categories. These categories are ‘underweight’, ‘normal’, ‘overweight’ or ‘obese’. And even though there is a correlation between high BMI and certain health issues, there is no scientific evidence that proves that one causes the other. You can be fat and healthy. And you can be thin and unhealthy. One does not necessarily cause the other.

Find out why BMI doesn’t mean much on the next page!

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