This 55-year old man looks like he is 20

His secrets

When Chaundo started posting pictures of himself, his followers noticed that he doesn’t change and doesn’t look as if he was 51 years old. Some of his followers think it’s all about genetics, others have commented that the secret is in the place he lives because Singapore has clean air, products of high quality and good medicine. But now the photographer has gone out and shared his secrets with us.

Tan believes you are what you eat and believes that a person’s health, as well as their appearance, depends 70% on the food they eat and 30% on exercise. For that reason, he eats 6 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast with only 2 yolks (due to cholesterol). In addition, he drinks a glass of milk and sometimes adds avocado with berries to his breakfast. This is a good amount of protein and energy for the start of the day.

Besides eggs, he eats chicken with rice, grilled vegetables and fish soup during the day. The photographer admits that ice cream is his weakness and that’s why he sometimes eats it, but only in the first half of the day. He also avoids coffee and tea, but drinks plenty of water. He does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and eats a salad of fresh vegetables for dinner.

Tan does strength training 4 times a week, or at least 3 times when he’s too busy. He spends no more than 30 minutes on this activity. Strength training is always followed by cardio training; however, due to a knee injury, he does not jog but runs on a treadmill at a brisk pace. In addition, he tries to swim every day – he goes to a pool in the evening and swims there for about an hour.

He shares more tips on the next page!